Stop being humble in your job search. It’s time to brag a bit!

Stop being humble in your job search. It’s time to brag a bit!

Humility is a tremendous quality, but when you’re engaged in a job search, I need you to brag a bit!

“But Ron, I don’t work in sales and I don’t have any measurable accomplishments to showcase.”


If you earn a paycheck, by definition you are generating or saving your employer more money than they are paying you.

You are an asset and you bring value to your employer.

It’s time to start documenting your wins AKA anytime that you:

∙ Save $$ for your employer
∙ Win back time for your employer

Here are some ways that non-sales professionals make positive contributions:

∙ Mitigating risk
∙ Eliminating waste
∙ Capturing efficiencies
∙ Streamlining processes
∙ Boosting customer retention
∙ Reducing employee turnover
∙ Lowering or eliminating costs
∙ Implementing technology upgrades
∙ Identifying tax credits or deductions
∙ Re-negotiating an existing contract to improve terms
∙ Training, mentoring, and developing staff into promotions

Now, try to take these a step further by quantifying them.


∙ Improved client retention 28% by implementing an enhanced onboarding process
∙ Reduced lead time on domestic orders from 2-3 weeks to 6 days on average
∙ Saved $45K in third-party staffing fees by developing and promoting three junior employees

Reed Résumés is your trusted partner in career advancement.

A Certified Professional Résumé Writer with 10+ years of recruiting experience, I have written 2800+ résumés during my career. I maintain a 99.99% satisfaction rate and generate 80%+ of my business through word of mouth referrals. This is my full time profession and I do not outsource any of the work; you will work directly with me throughout the entire process. Based in Smithtown New York, my resume service works with clients living in Suffolk County, Nassau County, New York City, and beyond!

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