How I write powerful resumes

How I write powerful resumes

How I write powerful resumes for my clients in 5 steps.

1) I start every conversation by discussing employment goals. What roles are we targeting and who are we trying to appeal to? Who is our end consumer?

2) I place my feet firmly into the shoes of the end consumer.

3) I figure out what the end consumer needs and values most.

4) I ask myself: “Which of my client’s experiences, accomplishments, and areas of expertise most satisfy the needs and priorities of the end consumer?”

5) I then showcase those experiences, accomplishments, and areas of expertise so prominently on the document that anyone reading it can clearly understand the client’s value proposition.

While this process doesn’t ensure the client will secure every single interview, it eliminates rejection based on ineffectively communicating their most marketable attributes.

TLDR: Your resume is a marketing tool. Effective marketing resonates with the end user and pushes their hot buttons. Make sure that you understand what makes the end consumer tick and then bombard them with your most powerful and relevant attributes.

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